Your DetailsName* First Last What is your preferred contact method?*EmailMobileEmail* Mobile*MobileAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City State Postal Code Workshops are currently being held in Victoria only but will be expanded to include other Australian states soon. Please email us at to register your interest for interstate workshops.Your History with OilsAre you a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate?*YesNoHave you used Essential Oils before?*YesNoAre you talking to or have you received samples from another dōTERRA Wellness Advocate?*YesNoAre you interested in learning more about dōTERRA Essential Oils?*YesNoWould you like to host a workshop in your home?*YesNoHow many people will you host the workshop for?*Preferred dates for Workshop*Please indicate at least 3 date/time variationsImportant NotesThe submit button will only be displayed if you meet all the requirements: You must be new to dōTERRA (not already be a wellness advocate or customer or be communicating with another advocate); You must agree to hosting a workshop at a mutually agreed date and time with a minimum of 3 guests. Do you want to receive future marketing material from us? Yes, subscribe me to your newsletter If you subscribe to our newsletter you consent to receiving correspondence and promotional offers from us. See our Privacy Policy for details regarding storage, management and usage of your data.CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ