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The pressure of making resolutions makes us set unrealistic expectations, year after year. For some bizarre reason, they’re often extravagant and totally unattainable. The desire is huge so the resolutions need to be matched in boldness and impact. Or at least that appears to be the norm and it’s been my experience thus far. I…

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Living and Loving Life Through the Eyes of a Child

What would I give right now to view life through the eyes of a child? How would it feel to not have to carry the burden of responsibility and just “be”? It sounds absolutely heavenly! Can you imagine not being influenced or governed by the judgement of others’ words or actions, or even be concerned…

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Guilt: The Saboteur of Life

I’ve been allowing myself the time to reflect on my habits and behaviour and I’ve identified a major player in my psyche that needs some serious work. Guilt. The saboteur of life. This predatory emotion seems to permeate in every nuance of my life: whether it’s self-care, eating, all forms of enjoyment, even when buying…

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Emotional Decluttering

I’ve always known that clutter increases your stress levels and I’m forever trying to declutter my kitchen, my study, my bedroom – even photos and emails on my phone. After reading about minimalism, I was so excited to jump on board and aimed to free my life of useless possessions. However, as noble as my…

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The Illusion of Perfection

What is this fixation most of us seem to have with perfection? Why do I have this constant need to have the perfectly clean home, a perfectly organized desk, and perfectly cooked meals every day – and an endless list of unsustainable tasks.  I take my hat off to those that can maintain all of…

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  I’ve been hearing a lot lately about “mindfulness” – but what is it exactly? Mindfulness essentially means to focus on the task you’re doing and being aware of your surroundings, your actions, your innermost feelings, devoid of judgment – living in the moment, being attuned to all your senses without critical analysis. Or more…

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Wellness, Self-Responsibility and Love

One of the first subjects I completed in the Graduate Diploma of Wellness was Wellness and Lifestyle. In the very first chapter of our textbook, the Wellness Workbook by Travis and Ryan, “Wellness, Self-Responsibility and Love”, I kept going back to reflect on Part 1.12 “Love and Wellness.” What stood out the most were these…

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